On May 1, 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it would be publishing in the Federal Register an interim final rule to extend the compliance date for the menu labeling regulation (21 CFR § 101.11) to May 7, 2018. The interim final rule in prepublication format is available here.
In addition to extending the timetable for compliance, FDA is seeking comments on the following matters:
- Calorie disclosure signage for self-service foods, including buffets and grab-and-go foods;
- Methods for providing calorie disclosure information other than on the menu itself, including how different kinds of retailers might use different methods;
- Criteria for distinguishing between menus and other information presented to the consumer.
Please see this Lieberman PLLC Regulatory Alert for additional information. Please contact Erik Lieberman at erl1@liebermanpllc.com or 202.830.0300 if you have any questions.